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Forum Rules

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  1. English only!
    • English is the only language you are allowed to use on the forums and in the chatbox. If you wish to speak any other language, please go to the Foreign Forums!
    • Is your language section missing? You may request it be added. Apply for a Regional Moderator position: here.
  2. No advertising
    • Don't post links to other websites that are not useful for the topic subject. Posting a link in your signature is allowed as long as it's not abused and follows the rest of our rules. Unaffected by the preceding remarks it is not allowed to post links from sites that compete with this site.
    • Don't advertise services you own or work for (i.e. If you run a VPS/Server company, don't advertise it.). You are more than welcome to recommend a service to look at or use though, basically just don't blatantly be around the forums only to be gaining customers for yourself.
    • Do not spam your referral link for "free gift card" sites.
    • This also applies to spamming your mod's topic in unrelated threads.
  3. No spamming
    • Spamming is characterized by the initiation of threads or posts that contribute nothing to a forum, be it off topic or on topic.
      • Examples include: empty bodies, bodies with few words that have no relation to the current topic or discussion and those posts that state they are spam, either to annoy or increase a member's post count (means posts like "Thanks" or something similar). This determination is made by the forum staff and is not up for discussion.
      • There are some very thin-line exceptions to this rule. We do allow such "thank you" posts in the Official Releases forum as can easily be seen. Also if someone is asking for help, they're more than allowed to say "Thank you" for helping them. But if someone comes along and just says "Thanks" in a random topic elsewhere, it could very well be considered a spam-like post and adding nothing to the topic at hand. 
    • Spam of any kind is not allowed. e.g: Posting irrelevant or useless content.
  4. No disrespect
    • Under no circumstance is anyone allowed to disrespect ANY member of any kind.
    • If you are a long standing member, act like one. Lead by example and assist other newer members rather then attacking them. We want our veteran members to teach the newer members the appropriate way to use these forums and most importantly, that we have a great community here.
    • If someone insults you, do not retaliate. REPORT the offending post of theirs.
  5. Forum Warnings
    • Forum Warnings will not be applied without good reason.
    • Forum Warnings are permanent.
    • If you follow these rules, there will not be any problems!
    • It's only when you receive an excessive amount of warnings that impact your forum account. Typical results of warning points are (subject to change):
      • Reach 5 warning points = 24 hour forum posting ban
      • Reach 10 points = 3 day forum posting ban, plus moderation
      • Reach 15 points = 1 week forum posting ban, plus moderation
      • 30 points = complete forum ban for your registered email and IP address
      • If your rule violation(s) include willful intent to harm, such as: spamming, disrespect, foul language, or posting ban links/advertising; your account can/will also earn moderation (review by staff) of all posts.  Minor infraction moderation will last a few days till you calm down, major violations could result in permanent moderation of all content.
    • Do not look at forum warning system in a bad way. In most warnings, we're actually helping you with a gentle reminder to read and obey forum rules.
    • If you have a problem with a warning, talk with the Staff Member who warned you first.
  6. No Ripping/Unauthorized Use of Code
    • You are free to use all knowledge here for your personal, non-commercial gain.
    • You are not allowed to post something written by another user, unless you have their permission.
  7. Selling
    • Selling of any kind is AGAINST the rules, and you will receive a forum warning for doing so.
    • It is okay to ask for help on how and where to sell it, but selling on our website is NOT allowed.
  8. Bumping Topics
    • Do bump topics that have had no responses in 1 week.
    • Bumping your own topic is only allowed every 48 hours. If you don't follow this your post will either be deleted and you could receive a forum warning.
  9. No Grave-Digging
    • Do not grave dig. Only post in relevant topics. Grave digging means posting in very old and abandoned topics.
      • There are exceptions to this rule: Such as if your post would be absolutely helpful to others and is adding new useful information not found elsewhere.
    • If help/bug post is over 6 months old, it is very likely that Game app has changed, and several versions of bot have been released since that problem occurred. So issue was fixed, or otherwise eliminated.   If the existing solution does not work for your, start a new thread!
  10. No Cross-Posting
    • Cross-Posting is when you post the same message multiple time in various topics and forums. Continuing to post a similar message will result in a forum warning and could lead up to a restriction from posting or forum ban.
  11. No Pornographic Material
    • Any sexually oriented imagery or links to such content will not be tolerated and will be punished with a ban.
  12. No Excessive Cursing or Swear Words
    • We encourage you to use our community as a forum to debate topics, but don't use swear words.
    • Occasional foul language will typically be tolerated, BUT We will not tolerate abuse or bullying upon another members.
  13. Multiple Forum Accounts
    • You are only allowed to have 1 forum account. Any additional accounts will be banned, action can be taken against your primary account depending on the situation too.
  14. Reputation Cheating
    • If you are found to be cheating your reputation, it will be reset. So do not sign up multiple forum accounts to increase your reputation. See rule number 14 (Multiple Forum Accounts.) It's just a number at the end of the day.
  15. Signature Size
    • We have limits in place, however it doesn't mean you need to push your signature to these limits. You signature doesn't need to be insanely large and the most noticeable signature of all members. It should not be obnoxiously too large for other users browsing.
    • Always use the KISS method!
      • Kiss = Keep It Short & Simple
  16. No Signature or Profile Picture/Avatar Abuse
    • If we find that an image you use in your signature or profile picture/avatar is offensive to anyone it will be immediately removed and your account will received a forum warning (or even a possible ban). Be sure to keep your signature and profile picture/avatar at a reasonable size.


Forum Etiquette

  1. Disable CAPS LOCK
    • There are some exceptions to this rule though, especially topics in the Mods/Codes Development forum and the Clan Invite forum. So you'll see stuff like MOD, TH10, UPDATED and so forth in topics already. Those are more typically seen in those forums, so if you're posting in Bot General Discussion, Help and Support or Bug Reports and typing ALL caps in either your topic title or your posts, we don't want this nor will tolerate it. Warnings can and will be given out for this.
  2. Specific Forums Posting Formats
    • Certain forums have posting formats that you must adhere by such as the "Bug Reports" forum. Either take a quick look at how other topics are formatted (especially titles and/or the first post) or read the pinned topics for more information on these.
    • Look at the format of other topics in the forum you are posting at and make yours similar to them.
  3. No Insanely Long Posts (Code or Logs Related)
    • Do not post logs that are longer than 10 lines without formatting them correctly! Nobody want to scroll past hundreds of lines just to answer your question. Either upload your log to https://pastebin.com OR post the log using the spoiler button http://i.imgur.com/Tlkn7zq.png in the Post Editor Toolbar. People who violate this rule will be warned.
  4. Read the Pinned Topics in each section you visit
    • Before posting anything in the section you're viewing, you must read the pinned topics at the top of the section.


  1. Uploads
    • Upload your content without a password. Make sure you have set permissions so that everyone can access the file.
    • Only use the following upload sites. These are malware free. Links to downloads from other sites will be removed (there are many sketchy sites, and we want to protect our users): Google DriveMEGAZippyshareGitHub(only for code)
    • If you upload a virus, malware, trojans etc. your account here will be banned.
    • If you upload something which doesn't work you will receive a forum warning.
    • Do not use services that make you money from links. This is NOT ALLOWED, and your content will be removed.
  2. Broken files
    • If you are too lazy to read the instructions to use a file, do not report the file as broken unless you are 100% certain it actually isn't working.



  1. Staff discretion
    • Our Staff moderate to the best of their ability and at their own discretion. You are not to publicly question their actions. If you feel that you've done nothing wrong or have been targeted, please bring this issue to one of our Administrators of the forum via a Private Message.
  2. Respect the Staff
    • If you do not like an action that a Staff Member has taken rather against you or not, please send one of the Administrators a Private Message. Do not complain about a deleted topic, post or moved topic in the forums. If you see that one of your posts or threads has been deleted or edited, do not create the post again or edit it back. Your new post will be deleted and you may be given a warning. We do not have the time to inform everyone and/or find out as to why their topic/post has been either deleted or moved. Trust that in nearly any scenario that there was a good reason and thought behind it.
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